Sunday, April 11, 2004

Today I did something I usually don't do. I watched SNL. I guess Janet Jackson's campaign of... You know... Exposing her nipple worked on me! SNL comes on way passed my bed time. But it was pretty funny. There was a great sketch about "cork soakers". And who would believe Janet Jackson is like 41 years old?? I used to be totally against plastic surgery. But now that they tend to call it cosmetic surgery, it doesn't seem so bad. I guess plastic surgery conjures the image of terrifying plastic cyborgs, though said cyborgs had perky plastic cyborg bosoms!

There was another funny sketch where Bush supposedly doodled "I heart Condo Lisa" on the Terrorist report. Ever notice how when the White House has to defend their position on something, they send someone who's not stupid as opposed to Bush? Either Colon Power and now Condom Lisa (teehee, I'm so clever). But when it comes time to getting props, Bush gets behind some podium and starts rambling on like Boomhauer from King of the Hill. "Hey man, themtheredangoldBinSadaam man WMD'sDang old God Bless America man!"

Black Log complete.

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