Wednesday, April 14, 2004

So I went to this comedy show on Sunday. It was pretty funny. There was this white guy with the strongest Trinidadian accent I've ever heard, and big Jar Jar Binks ears. Except less floppy and more... werewolf like. Anyway, he had the most fascinating perspectives on Jamaican dialect. He noticed that the Jamaican word for gaylord changed from Batti man to Chi chi man. Long ago he discovered that Batti was the Jamaican word for Ass, thus a gay man was an Assman... But what was this "Chi Chi"??? After a long rant he finally revealed that Chi Chi is the word Jamaican's use for termite. Thus, a gayman is like a termite, because they both eat wood.

Badda Bing!

Speaking of termites, I have an exam on insect behaviour this friday. Stressful stuff. Did you know that termites are monogamous? After a male breeder termite and a female breeder termite mate, they start a colony. The queen gets big and fat, after which she lays eggs until she dies. The male termite, now known as the King, simply hangs around the queen. When the Queen needs a fix (a sexual fix... teehee), she releases a hormone, the king gets laid and then goes about his business once again. Aside from having sex with the very hot and bloated termite Queen, the king exists simply to be fed by worker termites and protected by the soldiers. Apparently the only reason for this evolutionary relationship is because it would be too impractical for the queen to store large amounts of sperm for the many, many eggs she will lay. So the King is simply a mobile sperm delivery system. Pretty sweet life if you ask me. I wish I was a termite :-( Aside from the whole... wood eating...

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