Saturday, May 22, 2004

Anything in moderation...

So everyone's talking about this Super Size Me documentary. I haven't seen it yet, but from what I hear, it sounds like more American sensationalism. ANOTHER bunch of producers trying to make a few bucks by scaring the public. Any Canadian who saw Bowling for Columbine probably shrugged when they made it seem like none of us locked our doors. Well, just like that movie, this one probably has few good points, but like everything should be taken with a grain of salt.

I mean, who among us didn't know that McDonalds is unhealthy? Who doesn't know the consequences of high cholesterol? Everyone knows. So why is it such a surprise that this guy, after eating McDonald's 3 times a day for a month was on the verge of death? Is that such a surprise? Not to me.

I could make a documentary about any number of foods. I'm not stupid enough to eat, let's say, bacon three times a day for a month. Does that make bacon evil? I love my bacon! But I eat it in moderation, cuz I'm not a moron!

Let's make a documentary where I drink 10 beers a day, drive around town drunk off my ass and get into fights and become an alcoholic. If my liver is ruined, and I gain weight, that will prove that beer sucks!


But don't blame McDonalds for America's obesity and poor health. There are McDonalds' all over the world! It's just that, other countries just have better judgement, and better lifestyles than our own.

So I will go see this movie, and I know what to expect. But I'm not going to let someone shock me into thinking that McDonald's is the ultimate cause of bad health. Terror sells! Look at Bush! Look at Dateline, 20/20. This guy is making himself look like a genius for telling us something we already know! Eat junk food in moderation! Not just McDonalds, but all the cookies, chips, ice-cream and crap that's proably in our cupboards right now, contains tons of cholesterol, and the new dreaded trans fats.

If you're worried about your health, you know the drill. 3 glasses of milk, 2-3 servings of meat, 5 servings of bread, 5-8 servings of fruits and veggies. And for god sakes do a sit up or 2 every once in a while! You don't need a movie to tell you that.

Man, I'm going to miss loitering at McD's... Who can forget Jbo and Joe pissing on bags of caramel? Can an establishment that brought us so much joy, really be that evil?

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