So the other day Droopy informed me that he and some other people from where he... ahem... "works" were looking at old Centennial yearbooks. I can't imagine what kind of job provides so little work that someone woke up in the morning and actually decided to bring a yearbook with them for something to do, but I digress. The point is, I also broke out the old year book the other day and couldn't help but laugh at the hilarious messages some old High School people wrote.
Why so funny? Not because people were actually telling jokes, but in retrospect, one can fully appreciate the irony of what was on our minds some 7 years ago. I know I always beat this point to death but, the more things change the more things stay the same, despite some of our best efforts.
Let's take Tony's message for example. You can tell that post-high-school was supposed to be some sort of rennaissance for Tony. He wanted us all to shed our geeky personas and move onto bigger, better things. He wrote: "I can only hope to forget Star Trek conversations, cartoons and talking about rap music...." Wow... Nice try tony, but I have yet to speak to you without mentionning one or all of these things in an evening. Forget Star Trek Conversations??? WE ARE STAR TREK CONVERSATIONS!
Tony also wrote, "I'll be seeing you all summer and during Champlain!" Ironically, we barely saw Tony at Champlain. As most of us from high-school stuck together and refused to grow up a la Peter Pan and the Lost Boys, Tony decided to make something of himself by "studying" and "working hard" and "getting a girlfriend". How gay! Sure, schools from around the globe may be offering him scholarships, but does he know how many ships were destroyed during the Borg invasion at Wolf 359??? I imagine he doesn't (39 ships including the USS Saratoga... 11000 people died!).
Look what Vrej wrote. "It's not as if I'm never going to see you again.. So I have not much to say.. Ummm.. Big Hit this weekend (years from now this comment from the past will seem quite dated as no one will even remember what The Big Hit is or was or whatever." Well, I guess you're eating your words now. In the last 7 years, I would say we talk about the Big Hit at least once every few months. Strange but true. Even if just to squeal Avery Brooks' line, "BUST SOME CAPS!?!?"
I don't remember talking to Karthik much at all in High School, but when I read his message it all came flooding back: "You remember something when you go to Cegep. I will ALWAYS be behind your desk kicking your chair because I am the hunter and you are the prey." Dear God I used to hate you Kart. I remember you kicking my goddamn chair deliberately just to annoy me. ALL THE TIME! Why did you do that? I almost forgot, but here it is in writing!
Does anyone remember Faraz/Bassem shouting out SOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB???????? Bassem even stuck it to Faraz good in the yearbook: "Thanks to everyone (even Faraz)." Ah... The Faraz/Bassem rivalry... as old as time. They're like Odo and Quark.
Before I was MastaCSG I was (according to the yearbook) referred to as, Kermitt the Frog, Mr. Garisson from South Park, Dikembe Mutumbo, G delta C (where C is a change in coolness) and Chrissy Greggy. There was also the less popular "Chris in Da Hood". A few people called me that and I tried to popularize it as best I could, but it never caught on.
And at least several people wrote in my year book that I've helped them. Rez: "Thanks for the memories and thanks for all the help!" Pam: "You've been a great help to me!" Conrad: "Thanks for the help!" What did I used to do to help people? There are even people writing apologies in my yearbook for writing curse words and vulgarity! Other people said I had a positive outlook on life. It makes me realize that in 7 years I have transformed from a kind, loveable, polite young man into a foul mouthed, ornery bastard! Cool!
Oh well, this yearbook is a nice little momento... I mean... In a way. It's just a reminder that everything is essentially the same as it was 7 years ago! Except many of us have been twisted by the darkside. Actually, there is one message that reveals the seed of evil that was in me at the time.
"Hey Chris! Ever since Rep in June... we have known each other! I was constantly humming X-men and you were always trying to avoid me. I could bet my life that you had learned more about Wolverine then you had during your whole life prior to meeting me. Now you are in sec 5 and all I get out of you is "SHUT UP!" It was nice knowing you, I know we'll keep in touch even though you're always trying to kill me! You're friend..."
Kill him? Wow. 5$ to the first person who can guess what poor sap would take that kind of crap from Chrissy Greggy.
Good times... I feel I should apologize because I know I was notorious for writing the most vapid, meaningless yearbook messages in school! "Good luck on exams! ummm... Nice knowing you?"
Thanks for the memories guys! (Except you Neil! You never did sign my yearbook you bastard! Most likely to succeed indeed... ) It's nice to know that as years go by, we're still in touch. Even Pat D. who's out in Sassy Saskatoon...Tony who's... umm... in Ontario. Jay K... who's... somewhere?! Pat KC... all y'all! Poor out some liquors!
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