Sunday, July 15, 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Geeks

Man, I'm so excited for this Harry Potter book next week. It's sad really... I have a bad history with these books. Every single one of them has been ruined for me. I always know who dies, before they die. Last week the COVER of the gazette had as a headline, "Is main character X really dead?" How pathetic are we that the ending of the 6th Harry Potter book is front page material for the local newspaper?

Anyway, these books have left us wondering who the unlucky bloke is who will end up getting killed in the conclusion of the series. I'm hoping it's Hagrid. What a jerkstore. For 6 years he's been endangering the idiot kids by exposing them to unnatural, dangerous creatures.

Hagrid: "Hey kids! I found a new creature. It's a radioactive, bladed, fire breathing horse. It emits gamma radiation."
Hermione: "Doesn't that cause cancer?"
Hagrid: "Does it ever!!! But it's so cute!!!"

SLIC'D Takes his head clean off, first chapter. That'll learn him.

There are also theories going around that Neville is the one the prophecy speaks of and that he might bite the bullet when he and voldemort engage in Wizard fisticuffs. I think that would be an interesting twist.

Perhaps neither harry nor Neville will die. I think a great twist would be to see a noble sacrifice by Snape. Harry becomes defence against the dark arts teacher at long last and survives for a semester, breaking the bad luck that has come with the position for so many years.

Then there's so many other seeds that she's planted. What's going on with the Giants? The Centaurs? The House Elves? What will happen to the dementors? Are the beloved characters that we lost in previous books really dead?? Is Snape Harry's father??? Hermione Harry's sister??? Cedric Diggory is actually Cedric the entertainer??? So many possibilities. Next week I will find out.. and hopefully none of you jerks will ruin the ending for me.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Masta and Vrej on Isaiah Washington

Vrej says:

MastaC$G says:

Vrej says:
hmmm So i dont get ostracized for the q word, eh? Interesting

MastaC$G says:
Isaiah washintong claims he wasn't even calling the gay guy queer. But other guy who only seems gay. Rather... He said, "you can't treat me like a faggot."

Vrej says:

MastaC$G says:
effin' right you can't treat him like a faggot.

Vrej says:
nor a bitch

MastaC$G says:
eff grey's anatomy.

MastaC$G says:
I like the old stereotype, though. He can be all dignified and calm, spouting out lines about medicine... But when someone crosses him...

MastaC$G says:
Isaiah Washington: "I ain't no bitch, motha f**ka... You think I'm some kind of f**kin' faggot, f**k?"

Vrej says:
Patrick Dempsey: "No, just the regular kind"

MastaC$G says:
Isaiah Washington:"Fuck you... I'll stick my d**k in yo mama's #@%^@, bitch-a$$ n***a!!!"

Vrej says:
he draws a diagram

MastaC$G says:
Then he gets fired.

MastaC$G says:
Sandra Oh: "wow that escalated quickly. He just asked him to pass him the script book."

Should someone really get fired for that? We've all used unkind words when we lose our temper. More often I use that language simply to exercise my natural belligerence that I have to curb all day long in public. What a burden. And what a relief to be able to just let her rip and use all sorts of foul language when someone ticks you off.

Patrick dempsey and that gay guy who's name I can't remember should be flattered that Isaiah feels he's close enough to them to use such harsh language. The word faggot is a word reserved only for those I feel closest too. The people I allude to are not gay people mind you... That would be rude. You don't call retarded people retarded... You call your friends retarded when they act like retards... Similarly words used to imply homosexuality are set aside only for those who you are comfortable enough with to chastise in such an innappropriate manner. What does that imply about this blog, filled with more profanity than a Chris Rock stand up routine? It means I love all those who read it.. well, most of you homos anyway.