Tuesday, December 05, 2006

New Hobbies

I really think I would like to get into some more extreme type sports. Man, I'd be ... errr.. the man, if I were an expert Polo player... But not just any polo... ELEPHANT POLO!!! I imagine that would be exciting. Maybe not so much for the elephant... What do you think goes through an elephants mind while playing Elephant Polo? "Man, I hate human Polo. This game is super lame. I wish I worked in a circus..." The horses probably aren't too pleased either. "What the hell??? Polo is our sport! This is makes me as uncomfortable as Jack Nicklaus when Tiger Woods started playing golf!"

Also, since last week, it's also been my life long dream to become a free runner. You know those guys who jump across rooftops and stuff? The idea is to make your entire environment an obstacle course. I think I might drop out of school to pursue this. I bet I'd be sick at free running! Watch the video! The guy starts climbing buildings and stuff... Like... spiderman! Or the matrix!

They're actually starting a free running club in Toronto. But I'm a strong believer in going to the country of origin to learn something. That's why I sent Jen to Bangkok!! I want her to come back and make me the best Pad Thai I ever had! As for free running I guess I should go to Europe. And elephant Polo... My understanding is that's popular in Nepal.

So yeah.. Don't stand in the way of my dream! Please send a cash, check or money order to MastaCSG. As I said, Snake Charming is my life long dream and I need to be funded. Do it!

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