I was calling a friend racist as I often do. I think it was justified this time. She was comparing me to Sebastien the crab from the little Mermaid. Anyway, it lead us to ponder an inconsistency in the English language that I think is worth sharing. The conversation went like this:
DoctaC$G says:
and you're RACIST!!!
speaking of that
i was considering making white chocolate brownies
think that's possible?!
i love white chocolate
DoctaC$G says:
Why white chocolate?
leave it to the man to take delicious chocolate and turn it white.
its sweeter
DoctaC$G says:
anyway, it's possible, I think I've had it before.
do you remember it being good?
DoctaC$G says:
I think I found it too sweet.
and of course at that point they're not brownies.
they're whities.