Whatever... I don't care. If this truck needed to speed down the middle of the road I would let it. I pulled aside to let the vehicle pass and what do I see? Pauline Marois' giant, fat face on the side of an obnoxious blue bus. Yes, you know the one, this effing thing!!
If my anger were measured on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being just annoyed, 10 being naked fury, I went from 2 to 11 in seconds. I'm not prone to road rage, but my first thought was to destroy the bus somehow. I wanted to do this
Now I'm not going to go on a rant against Pauline Marois. There's nothing that I can say about her that hasn't been said about Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter. And there's nothing that can be said about her politics that hasn't been alluded to in classic science fiction novels like, '1984' or 'Farenheit 451'. And what the hell, let's just go full out Godwin's law,she's Hitler reincarnated. But, unless you are one of approximately 33% of Quebecers who enthusiastically support this bigoted sociopath, the threat of having this creature as our Premier has probably caused you some anxiety this last month.
We panic, even knowing that we can't realistically expect this lunatic to execute even a small portion of her ludicrous propositions, at least not in the near future. But my biggest disappointment is in the people who support her. Am I to believe that 1 in 3 people don't believe that citizens should be allowed to wear yamulkes or turbans to work? But they do believe it's okay to wear a cross? Am I to believe that 1 in 3 Quebecers are behind Marois' insidious plan to exclude First Nations people from holding public office with a new slew of undemocratic language laws? (More language laws?!?) 1/3 people believe this province, with all its debt, with all of its reliance on federal funds, could be its own country?
But I'll tell you what really gets me, besides all the obvious stuff like what a PQ government will mean for the economy... What gets me is that after months and months of student protests we see that even though a significant portion of the population believes that education is free, those same people do not necessarily believe that adults should be free to have that education in English ie, the international language of business and science. Let that soak in for a while... Remember when some of the protesters came out admitting how easily they could pay their tuition, but then claimed that they were out in the streets for the sake of those who would not be able to afford it? And remember how you probably thought to yourself, "Wow, that's obviously a load of crap!" Well, now is your chance to call those people out! If they care so much about others, let them protest for people's right to be educated in the language of our choice. While they're out there, let them protest for other people's religious freedom. Dare I suggest they protest a person's right to run their business in the language they choose, if only to keep more business from leaving this province. Speaking of leaving the province, can someone tell me why a doctor would stick around here when this woman is about to raise taxes on higher income earners once again!
Now would have been the perfect time to become passionate about something serious, involving other people's rights because it goes without saying that Pauline Marois plattform has at its core, an appeal to people's fears and prejudices, she doesn't even bother to hide it. If there are people out there who care about the rights of others we should be hearing from them right aboooouuut.... now!
What? People are still protesting tuition increases? Oh well. What was I saying? Oh yeah, I won't go on a rant about Pauline Marois.
This bus is likely bigger than my house
It needs to be big enough to transport all of her bullshit from city to city.
Pardon my french.
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