Next day Alpha Posse came over. They brought over more junk food than I'd ever seen in one place. A 20 piece bucket of KFC, popcorn chicken, fries, pizza, little cakes, sodas, donuts, munchkins and as the piece d'irresistance, Marie-Eve (the Jbo variety) made a cake.
As you can see the cake is not racist. One day I hope to know what that means. It was delicious despite it's political dispositions. Thanks Maeva.
Rez dazzled us all with tales of his pilgrimage to Mecca while I blasphemed and made wise ass comments. He did it with panache and professionalism that only Rez could pull off. I for one learned a lot about Islam. The pics were beautiful and it was just really fun and impressive. He even brought us some holy water from a well that has been flowing since the time of... Moses? Abraham? Anyway, we drank the blessed draught. My favourite story was about a spot inside the main Mosque in Mecca (the Masjid Al Haram) where your prayers are more potent BUT your sinful thoughts count as actual sins. Can you imagine? If all my sinful thoughts counted as sins, I would never get into heaven nor would any of my decent. Anyway, it was really cool, thanks Rez.
Mad props also go to Vrej who accesorized the old pimp hat with a Santa hat (that was lying around my apartment for some reason) as well as his own baseball cap. As if invoking the spirit of some pimp he pulls out his phone and berates his Ho Ho Hoes "I DON'T CARE WHAT HE SAYS!!! JUST DO IT!!!" In a hilarious Sir Smokes Alot/pimp voice.
Vrej, you're sick!!! I dub thee, Pimpaclaus
We also played pictionary. It was like a super-hero story. Ever notice how in comics super-heroes always seem to match up their powers? Like Iceman will fight Pyro's fire powers? Wolverine will end up fighting someone with claws. Anyway, this was nothing like that. I just found it odd that both Marie-Eve's were sitting across from each other. It was like when Data had to fight Lore...
Finally, I followed up Rez's classy lecture about Islam by showing the guys the very tacky part 8,9,10 of R.Kelly's trapped in the closet. And so the evening concluded at about 1am. I still have friend chicken and cake in my apt. (I was originally going to correct my typo but have decided that Fried Chicken shall henceforth be referred to as Friend Chicken).
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